Tuesday, September 9, 2014

200 Days

Today marks the 200th day since you left us. There is still no sign of you appearing in our dreams. We had not forgotten you nor had we stopped tearing. Have you been reading the papers we bought for you weekly?

At any time I looked into my phone photo gallery, it never failed to flash back those days when I sit at the waiting area outside the ICU with tears flowing down like a damaged tap.

** Flash flash **

On the first night you were admitted, a Malay Uncle came & told me “GOD must have his reasons why it happened. Whether you survived or you decided to leave us, it is his will.” It definitely sounded comforting.

等 到 失 去 了, 我 才 学 会 珍 惜….

1 comment:

Hayley said...

Hope your Pa will come to your dream soon. He will and definitely will. And I know you were tearing like damage tap while writing this.