Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I try, I tried & I am still trying..

Ethan Ethan Ethan turns 10months old 2 days ago..

A 10 months old baby supposed to

1. Waves goodbye
2. Picks things up with pincer grasp
3. Crawls well, with belly off the ground
4. Says "mama" and "dada" to the correct parent
5. Indicates wants with gestures
6. Stands alone for a couple of seconds
7. Puts objects into a container

For Ethan
Yes - No 1, 2 & 7
No - All others

Is his progress slow or is he normal? Often I wonder. What amazes me always is his demands for people to carry him around the house with his body inching forward, going towards he directions he wanted.

Haizz..1st posting in August but things just dun seems to go right. Tried uploading some pictures of Ethan but apparently I am just unable to upload it. Did I miss out a program somewhere?


Diana LEE said...

I think the speech is like all what everyone says "Boys tend to be slower than girls" so be patient.

But above all, he's still a cute little rascal.

Just Me said...

Cute Little Rascal says HI TO Godma D..