Thursday, April 15, 2010

18 months development

Being 18months old he is still barely walking. I am unsure if it is pure laziness or the slow development in the brain. But he is definitely not a whinny good boy sitting still. He crawls like an itsy bitsy spider, climbs like a gorilla, shouts & screams like a whining boy. People around me had been telling me boys are slower in developments. I wonder how true these statements are. But nevertheless thank you for these assurances.

Am I cool?

Developments of Ethan @ 18months

1. Able to recognise pictures of apple, orange, potty, dog, cat & any food - he will say "mummum"

2. Daddy's boy he is - shouts , yells & screams for his father - papapapapaa & all my neighbours will know that the weekend boy is back.

3. Able to identify at alphabets like A, B & C with some mumblings

4. Call "yaya" despite meeting his grandpa once a week - supposed to be "yeye"

5. Favourite hobby - watches singalong CD & raises up his hands like dancing
I have to admit I like & hate TV. On one hand children will grow to addictive of TV if the parents allow the child to be exposed excessive TV. On the other hand, it does help them to learn children songs.

Sulking look

6. Diaperless in the day - knows how to say "hmm hmm" either to poo or pee. Sometimes he is just playful "hmm hmm" all the time. Most of time he wants to pee. At times we ignore his "hmmmhmm", we end up having to clean the poo on his pants.

These days we enjoy kite flying at Marina Barraage. Even Ethan is soo obessed with the kites in the sky. He will go "wow wow wow". He likes it when we allow him to play with the water at the water fountain ..


D boys' Mum said...

is impressive that Ethan is potty trained at 18mths! but don't ignore his poo-ing signs.. so that he knows the need or the urgency to use the potty

Just Me said...

We did not intentionally trained him. He suffers from Diaper rash all the time. No choice but to remove the diaper.

Some people says it is not healthy for kids to start potty training soo young..

Diana LEE said...

I think it's brilliant that at 18 mths, he is able to control his bladder/bowel movements and connect that to his brain and express himself.

If he's a willing participant, let him be potty train. At least less worry about his diaper rash. With the hot weather in singapore, can you imagine being in a diaper all day long ???!!!

Don't worry about him not walking. When it's time, he will amaze you :)

I am so proud of my Godson son !