A typical morning
Little one's rountine sets in
8.00am - Wake up
8.15am - Mini "business" on his potty
8.30am - Change into school uniform & grumble "bye bye school"
8.45am - Leave for school
8.50am - Reaches school gate - hug mommy, kiss & say "bye bye mommy see you tonight" Runs off to remove his shoes left it on the designated shoe rack, holds teacher's hand & off to the toilet to wash his hands.
Whenever I asked him :-
Me : how is school today
Ethan : Good
Me : What did you learn in school today? Can you sing me a song
Ethan: Happy Birthday to you......
Me : Whose Birthday
Ethan : Lao Shi's birthday
So basically everyday is "Laoshi's" birthday... ^_^